Stephanie nació en Malta y a la edad de 7 años marchó para Canadá donde está viviendo actualmente.
El contacto de Stephanie con Rolf imagino que fue en Canada donde él vive desde hace muchos años.
Baccara (Mayte y Marisa) grabaron un disco en Canadá con Rolf Soja pero jamás llegó a publicarse y si quieren saber cómo hubiese sonado ese disco ,se pueden hacer una idea escuchando este.
Hace algún tiempo escribí un correo a Stephanie para preguntarle sobre el trabajo con Rolf Soja y la contestación de ella más o menos fue: pregúntale a él.
Aprovecho para dar las gracias a Carl por el regalo del cd Hold on, sin él no hubiese podido hacer este post.
Stephanie Sheri recorded a couple of records with Rolf Soja between the years 1990/92, Hold On And One Day. The song i bring you today is Peaceful Soldier from her first long play and is exactly the english version of the song we heard yesterday sung by Ireen Sheer.
Born on the small mediteranean island of Malta. Moved to Canada at 7 years old. Been
immersed in music ever since I can remember.( my parents met in the village
choir). I have them both to thank for my path in music. Now I live outside of
Toronto - I enjoy a dual life of quiet country living and rock and roll in the city
with my band Pan Out Now.
I guees Stephanie met Rolf in Canada where he lives from far too long.
Baccara (Mayte and Marisa) went there to record an album but it was never
release. If you want to imagine how was that album just listening this one
song can have an idea.
Not so long ago i wrote an email to Stephanie and i asked her about recording
albums with Rolf. Her answer was quite small:Ask him.
I will like to thanks my friend Carl for sending me the cd, without his help this
post would never see the light.
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